Milling Fixture using SolidWorks

The objective of this project was to design a sandwich drill jig that would securely clamp material in place while drilling precise and accurate holes, with minimal movement and deformation of the material during the drilling process. If you want to get the source files, reach out to [email protected] with subject - Sandwich Drill Jig.



The CAD drawings of the project is shown below.

Sandwich Drill Fixture
Sandwich Drill Fixture
Sandwich Drill Fixture - BOM View
Sandwich Drill Fixture - BOM View


Result Analysis

As a student in my 2nd semester of “Tool Design” at college, I had the opportunity to design a sandwich drill jig as an assignment. This experience allowed me to learn about the principles of clamping and jig design, including the use of clamping elements, the importance of accurate alignment, and the need for rigidity and stability to maintain precision during drilling. Additionally, I learned about the specific requirements of the materials being drilled and the capabilities of the drilling machine being used.

Understanding the principles of clamping and jig design will enable me to design more efficient and precise jigs for any drilling process. Additionally, the knowledge I gained about the specific requirements of the materials and the capabilities of a drilling machine will allow me to better understand the manufacturing process and make more informed decisions in my future job. Also, the experience in sandwich drilling jigs can be useful for specific application such as drilling in composite or laminated materials, where clamping and alignment is crucial.

1) Advantages.Allows for precise and accurate drilling of multiple layers of material.
-Minimizes movement and deformation of the material during the drilling process.
-Ensures consistent and repeatable results.

2) Applications. Used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and woodworking where precision drilling of multiple layers of materials is required.
-Can be used for drilling in composite or laminated materials, such as drilling holes for fasteners in sandwich panel structures..
-Can be used for drilling complex shape or patterns in multi-layer materials like PCB drilling.
-Can be used for drilling multiple identical holes in a single set up..
