A Reader's Dilemma

When is the right time to Abandon Things?

As a new reader, there are times when my interest in the book I’m reading starts to slowly fade away. There are people in the world that feel pride in saying, “I completed things which I started”. But is it the right thing to do? How do you feel? Sometimes the book is as responsible for grabbing your attention as you are. For me, I don’t read books to comprehend everything unless it’s a story/novel based on it but somewhere in my subconscious the knowledge still registers.

I was recently watching a documentary on “The General Magic”, if you haven’t watched it, I suggest you do. They were the pioneer in envisioning the future of technology that we use today. From the founder of Android to the co-founder of iPhone worked there. This was the first of a kind where failure was documented. They predicted the use of smartphones, smart watches, emojies and various other things that we take for granted now. One of the problems behind their downfall was that they had the right idea at the wrong time. I wonder if the brilliant minds kept working there, Would there be an iPhone or an Android?

Strategic Abandonment Leads to Great Success.

In economics, There’s a concept called “Sunk Cost Falacy” which is related to the Continuation Bias in a people’s mind, what I mean is, while taking any decision, the human mind often considers past investments to justify their taken decisions but in fact they should only consider the future costs (in terms of time, money, value) to make a very rational decision. To continue or not plays a vital role in decision-making and that’s what great leaders and entrepreneurs are.

When does a person decide that halting something is the best way forward? I need to ask you as I haven’t figured out yet. Please share your views by commenting below.
